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Microsoft Future Decoded 2019: Ones to Watch

October 1, 2019 - October 2, 2019

ExCeL London

Join Us at this Year’s Microsoft Future Decoded

Version 1 is a Silver Sponsor at this year’s Microsoft Future Decoded, having received a Microsoft 2019 Partner Award for Intelligent Cloud. Running on the 1st and 2nd of October at the Excel London, Future Decoded is packed with keynotes and breakout sessions from industry experts to help business and technical decision makers leverage the latest Microsoft technologies.

Our Application Modernisation experts will be on hand at Future Decoded to discuss modernising your existing applications with Azure to enable you to access Microsoft innovation such as:

  • Azure Kubernetes Service
  • Logic Apps
  • Functions
  • SignalR
  • Service Bus
  • Event Grid
  • API Management
  • Databricks
  • BI & Analytics
  • Big Data
  • CosmosDB


Keynotes at this year’s event will showcase some of the most prevalent tech trends – with some real-world examples of how developments in AI impact both the present, and future of our work. Inspirational leaders will share insights into the benefits they’ve experienced through the adoption of AI and other cutting-edge technologies during this year’s event. Below are a few keynotes that Version 1 are looking forward to.


Cindy Rose OBE: Microsoft, UK Chief Executive Officer, and Corporate Vice President

Dr Lucas Joppa: Microsoft, Chief Environmental Officer

Claire Barclay: Microsoft, Chief Operating Officer

Professor Christopher Bishop: Technical Fellow and Laboratory Director, Microsoft Research Cambridge


Major Tim Peak CMG: Astronaut & British Army Air Corps Officer

Helen Sharman CMG OBE: Astronaut & Chemist

Christian Horner: Red Bull Racing Formula 1 Team Principal

Future Decoded will be split over two days, with a different agenda for each. Multiple Breakout sessions and Expo theatre sessions will run throughout both days, including Version 1’s session: Application Modernisation – Preparing Your Applications for a Digital World. Find out more about Day 1 and Day 2 of Future Decoded and Version 1’s session below.

Day 1 – “Explore Technology as an Enabler” 

Day 1 will provide an overview of the most prevalent tech trends impacting the future of our work, with technology ranging from from chatbots transforming the customer experience and delivering personalised patient care, to robotics increasing efficiency in construction sites and factory floors.

The morning keynote for Day 1 starts at 9:30am, featuring Cindy Rose OBE, Microsoft UK Chief Executive Office and Corporate Vice President, who will introduce new data insights around how artificial intelligence for all is a reality today.

Key speakers for Day 1 include:

  • Cindy Rose
  • Clare Barclay
  • Lucas Joppa
  • Peggy Johnson
  • Tim Peake
  • Helen Sharman

Read the agenda for Microsoft Future Decoded: Day 1 here.

Day 2 – “Prepare for the future of work”

Day 2 will focus on preparing for the future of work, fostering a culture that supports innovation and enabling organisational workers to obtain the skills necessary to adopt and benefit from the trends impacting our work, now and in the future.

Day 2’s morning keynote will involve Professor Christopher Bishop, Technical Fellow and Laboratory Director, Microsoft Research Cambridge, who will look beyond the hype of artificial intelligence, to the role of data, and the opportunities and responsibilities for us all to consider.

Key speakers for Day 2 include:

  • Christopher Bishop
  • Jenny Lay-Flurrie
  • Mitra Azizirad
  • David Carmona
  • Christian Horner

Read the agenda for Microsoft Future Decoded: Day 2 here.

“Application Modernisation – Preparing Your Applications for a Digital World”

Application Modernisation – Preparing Your Applications for a Digital World

Location: Theatre 5
Time: Day 1 at 3pm
Presented by: Roger Whitehead, Version 1 Advisory Services

Save an iCalendar reminder for this talk.

Session Description:

In this talk we will demonstrate that there is a way to rapidly deliver new business value in the digital domain whilst retaining much of the value of previous technology investments. This seeks to change the areas that can deliver most new value whilst mitigating risk and could involve making business functionality available across web and mobile devices, integrating core systems with other modern data and business insight platforms, extending underlying capability and functionality or by migrating and re-platforming applications in Public Cloud.

Our session will show how our approaches can be optimised to allow organisations to modernise core business systems and legacy applications to work in the way that works best for their customers, citizens and stakeholders.

Our focus is: 

  • Enabling and empowering our customers – coaching them through digital transformation and cloud adoption to ensure they maximise the benefits within their organisation. Defining Customers’ Digital strategy.
  • Innovating and modernising for the cloud – We specialise in priming legacy and unsupported applications (e.g. Cobol, Solaris, Ingres) to Azure, whilst utilising the latest in innovative Azure Services. Go beyond a mere ‘Lift and Shift’ by extracting intelligence for our customers, and laying the foundations for future innovation. “We help customers get the most from their applications on Azure” – “We help you exploit cutting edge services only available on cloud”
  • Migrating: Once an organisation has a proven, validated and optimised route to cloud and where needed legacy applications have been suitably remediated, modernised or transformed, we have targeted strategies optimised to migrate to the cloud depending on the scale and complexity.
  • Version 1 Next Gen Managed Service: Service Reliability Engineering based approaches to that drive continual service improvement in ISO-certified, ITIL-aligned proven mechanisms to consistently deliver world-class managed services.
  • Embracing DevOps and proactive Azure cost optimisation to help organisations manage and support their Azure estate.

We will illustrate the drivers, approaches and benefits of Application Modernisation using a range of customer case studies and real-world scenarios. If you can’t make this session, or would like to learn more, head over to Exhibition Stand 65, where our team will be happy to chat.

Learn more Version 1 customers’ utilising Azure in the following Customer Success Stories:

Version 1 solutions are available on the Azure Marketplace.