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AWS Optimisation & License Assessment

Discover how an AWS Optimisation and License Assessment (OLA) delivered by Version 1 creates a strong foundation for migrating your Microsoft and Oracle workloads to the AWS Cloud.

The benefits of cloud migration and modernisation are becoming increasingly clear. Businesses are leveraging this technology to reduce costs while increasing flexibility and responding more dynamically to market shifts.

But many still overlook or don’t fully understand the impact a cloud migration project can have on their licensing position – if not properly considered at the start of the project – and what exactly noncompliance can mean for them. In fact, as software vendors are auditing customers more frequently than ever before, cloud migration projects are a common trigger for such an event.

Furthermore, optimising your cloud environment according to your usage needs can help you take full advantage of the cloud’s reduced ongoing costs. This means not only lowering your hosting spend, but also reducing your licensing costs.

Many businesses unknowingly create a license compliance breach when they migrate to the cloud. This is due to the inherent complexities of migration projects, the challenges of navigating complicated software vendor license policies, and a lack of strategic license expertise internally.

That’s why it’s crucial you work with the right partner. One who can help you understand your licensing position before migration, mitigate the risks of noncompliance, and leverage the full capabilities of AWS.

In our eBook, you will learn the following:

  • What an OLA is and the benefits it will deliver to your overall cloud project.
  • The importance of understanding your license position and needs before migrating to the cloud.
  • How the AWS Optimisation and License Assessment (OLA) deliverables will help you license right-size, while creating a strong foundation for migrating your Microsoft and Oracle workloads.

For information on Version 1’s licensing services for cloud, click here.

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